Special Needs Children Adoption

Adoption of Special Needs Children

Every child deserves a loving family Children with special needs grow beautifully and thrive in a supportive home environment. 

Category of Special Needs children.

  1. For the purpose of adoption, 'special needs' children may be categorized as under:-. 
    1. Children having visible and or serious medical conditions-mental or physical Special need  of the child concerned  to be examined  Chief Medical officer of the district in the light of schedule III (part E)
    2. Older Children
    3. Siblings 
    4. Extremely low birth-weight children (to be certified by a Government Medical Officer)
  2. A child suffering from a disease or deformity which does not have serious long term residual effects and which can be corrected, shall not be categorised as a "special needs child".
  3. Children above five years of age shall be treated as special needs children as placement of such children in adoption is difficult..
  4. The Specialised Adoption Agency organises orientation sessions for the PAP(s) to enable them to understand issues relating to special needs children and help them take an informed decision. 

For further details please refer cara.wcd.gov.in

(Last updated on 10 January 2024)